Columbian Foundation



  • Livio Cioffi, President
  • Michael V. Calabro, Esq., Chairman of the Board
  • Anthony Iacullo, Vice President
  • Anthony Iuso, Treasurer
  • Mark R. Guarino, Executive Secretary
  • Raymond Salerno and Stephen Jandoli, Sergeant at Arms

Active Members

  • John Acunto
  • Anthony Ambrose
  • Nicola J. Bevaqua, III
  • Joseph Bonanno
  • Joseph Bonanno, Jr.
  • Senator Anthony Bucco
  • Michael Calabro, Esq.
  • John G. Centanni, Jr.
  • Frank Christiano
  • Thomas Cinque
  • Livio Cioffi
  • Charles DiLorenzo, Esq.
  • Victor Galante
  • Thomas A. Gentile, Esq.
  • Pasquale Giannetta, Esq.
  • Mark Guarino
  • Richard A. Guarino, MD
  • Anthony Iacullo, Esq.
  • Anthony Iuso
  • Stephen Jandoli
  • Vincent LaPaglia, Esq.
  • Peter Latino
  • Alfred Lembo Jr.
  • Ralph T. Lilore, Esq.
  • Rocco Malanga
  • Thomas Mastrangelo, Esq
  • Ralph Pacifico
  • Robert Petrocine
  • James V. Pomaco, Esq.
  • Antonio Prioletti
  • Darren Rispoli
  • Raymond Salerno
  • Vincent Scoca, Esq.
  • Frank Stagnitto
  • Andrew Vassallo
  • John Venezia Jr.
  • Dr. Richard A. Boiardo, MD
  • Michael C. Saccone
  • Vincent A. Ucci. Jr.
  • Cavalier Father Thomas Nicastro
  • Sil Basile

As a member of the Foundation you would benefit from the spirit of fraternalism, camaraderie and mutual assistance that exists among our members as we strive to fulfill our mission and objectives.The Columbian Foundation would not be able to carry out its scholarships and charitable contributions without the support of its members. The Foundation welcomes the opportunity to attract executive, professional and business persons of Italian decent to participate in improving the economic, educational, cultural, health and social welfare of New Jersey citizens and institutions. The work of philanthropy engaged in by The Columbian Foundation is legendary.

All applications of interested parties must be sponsored by a Foundation member.

  • To apply for membership, please click here to download our member application form.
  • When downloading and completing the form, please submit the completed form via email to our Membership Chairman, Frank Stagnitto, at 

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